Second Iteration

Hello Gamers! ┬┴┤; ⌣̀_⌣́ )/
Amaryllis again, here with your progress update on our project so far. It's hard to say plainly how I felt this rendition went. We had people missing some of the days, subs in the classroom and a SNOW day! I thought we were done with the snow, but it just keeps coming back to haunt me︴(≧□≦)︴. I am personally not a fan of the cold, but to each their own. Regardless I think we got a good amount done, we are a good amount of the way through our 2nd quest and I believe we have most of our sprites in that we needed. There are still major things missing like a smoother transition to the fantasy world (via VR headset) and our tile pallet for the levels of our fantasy world. But enough of me rambling, lemme break it down into the features and additions of our game so far!
Added Features-
- Sprite for player character
- Walking animation for player character
- Sprites for cat
- NPC sprite
- NPC idle animation
- A way back to the 3D world
- 2nd quest
- Technically a "closed loop"
- A fight mechanic
- A hurt mechanic
- Reset of the second quest if you die
Upcoming Features-
- Enemy sprite
- Background being implemented
- Sword implemented
- Hurt UI
- Death UI
- Health potions and a way to get health back
- Music and SFX
- A title screen and end screen
- And much more!
Known Bugs-
- Glitching textures in to 3D world the first time the scene is loaded up
- Being able to move out of the bounds of the screen
- The scene changing before the NPC finishes talking
- Viewport locking after going back to the 3D world
- Being able to move while talking to the NPC
- The NPC dialogue interrupting previous dialogue
Thank you for reading! ┬┴┬┴┤¬‿¬)ノ
Get Digital Escapism
Digital Escapism
Status | In development |
Authors | If-Loki-Was-A-Fox, Amaryillis, CrypticRush, jnielsengamedev |
More posts
- Last IterationMar 11, 2024
- First IterationMar 01, 2024
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