Final Devlog

This project is now over! I had a bunch of fun with some parts, didn't care too much for others -- over all not an awful experience and I did get a functional game out of it, so hooray for that!

Anyways, as of now, the end of this project, here's a brief list of the features:

- A player, with functional movement controls and the ability to shoot

- Enemies, that spawn at increasing speeds as the game progresses and are destroyed by the player's projectiles

- A score and highscore that tick up as enemies are destroyed

- A three lives system before having to restart from scratch

- Safety mechanisms to prevent enemies from spawning too close to the player or destroying them immediately on respawn

- A titlecard/main menu screen with a start button and an extra button just for fireworks

- Fully functional controls that work with keyboard and mouse, arcade joystick + buttons, and controller (though the latter can be a bit clunky or unintuitive due to focus on the former two)

Files Play in browser
Dec 14, 2023

Get Dragon Sky War

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